I tried to create a neural network for regression. In order to test the concept, I created a dataset the following way:
x1 = random('Normal',0,5,500,1);
x2 = random('Normal',0,5,500,1);
y = x1 + 2*x2;
X = [x1 x2];
So x1 and x2 are vectors of random numbers with mean value 0 and standard deviation 5.
The neural network therefore had 2 inputs, 2 or 3 units in hidden layer and one output unit. In hidden layer units I implemented sigmoid activation function and in the output layer linear function:
h(y) = 1*k20 + a1*k21+ a2*k22 + a3*k23
and for hidden layer outputs are calculated the following way:
a1 = sigmoid(1*k10 + x1*k11 + x2*k12)
(and similarly a2 = sigmoid(1*l10 + x1*l11 + x2*l12)
Edit: The Backpropagation algorithm is implemented the following way:
for t=1:m
currentSampleSize = sampleSize(t,:);
for i = 1 : currentSampleSize
% Step 1
a_1 = X(t,:)';
z_2 = Theta1*a_1;
a_2 = sigmoid(z_2);
a_2 = [1; a_2];
z_3 = Theta2*a_2;
a_3 = z_3;
% Step 2
delta_3 = (a_3 - y_new(t,:)');
% Step 3
grad = m^(-1) * X' * (a_3-y);
delta_2 = Theta2'*delta_3.*[1;sigmoidGradient(z_2)];
delta_2 = delta_2(2:end);
%Step 4
Delta_2 = Delta_2 + delta_3*a_2';
Delta_1 = Delta_1 + delta_2*a_1';
Theta1_grad = Delta_1/m;
Theta2_grad = Delta_2/m;
reg_1 = lambda/m.*Theta1(:,2:end);
reg_2 = lambda/m.*Theta2(:,2:end);
Theta1_grad(:,2:end) = Theta1_grad(:,2:end) + reg_1;
Theta2_grad(:,2:end) = Theta2_grad(:,2:end) + reg_2;
As the predictions are not accurate I wonder what could be done in order to improve the regression performance. I tried to change the combinations of number of neurons in hidden layer and different regularization parameter values but the performance wasn't good enough.
I would be very thankful if anyone could describe the appropriate design of neural network for regression problems - which activation functions are most appropriate and how to diagnose training and test error for choosing the optimal number of hidden units.