I heard somewhere, that I can directly test (or gather support for) a null-hypothesis using the Bayes-Factor. In my specific experiment, I hypothesize that an experimental manipulation does not have an impact on some variable but does selectively impact another one. Somehow, simply showing that a t-test gives non-significant results does not seem appropriate (because this can only "not-reject" the H0).
My specific problem is as follows:
I have two experimental conditions, say medication and control, and I would like to show that estimated parameter-values are the same in both conditions (I measure some data $X$ and have a model with parameters $\alpha,\beta$ giving the likelihood $P(X|\alpha,\beta)$. I measured $N$ subjects in both the control and medication condition (repeated measures).
My first approach would be to set up a hierarchical model where $\alpha,\beta$ are distributed for each individual according to some group-level distribution (since both parameters have to be positive and are more likely to be small, I could use an exponential). The group-level distribution would have a uniform prior in a feasible range.
I would use this model to sample (MCMC) from the posterior and I think I would be interested in comparing the group-level estimates. However it is unclear to me, how to integrate the two competing hypotheses (H0 being that $\alpha_{med}=\alpha_{cntrl}$ and H1 being that $\alpha_{med}\ne\alpha_{ctrl}$ and the same for $\beta$).
So my question is: How can I go from this model to the Bayes-factor?
Concretely, I am running my MCMC in the pymc package so any help with concrete code would help a lot!