For over-fitting in model selection, then a paper worth reading is
C. Ambroise and G. J. McLachlan, "Selection bias in gene extraction on the basis of microarray gene-expression data", PNAS, vol. 99 no. 10 6562-6566, May 2002.
For a discussion of the same sort of problem that arises in model selection, see
G. C. Cawley, N. L. C. Talbot, "On Over-fitting in Model Selection and Subsequent Selection Bias in Performance Evaluation", Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11(Jul):2079−2107, 2010.
The way to solve the problem of the validation set becoming tainted is to use nested cross-validation, so the method used to make choices about the model is performed independently in each fold of the cross-validation used for performance estimation. Essentially the performance estimation must estimate the performance of the whole model fitting procedure (fitting the model, feature selection, model selection, everything).
The other approach is to be a Bayesian. The risk of over-fitting is introduced whenever you optimise a criterion based on a finite sample of data, so if you marginalise (integrate out) rather than optimise then classical over-fitting is impossible. You do however have the problem of specifying the priors.