
I have 2 assets, asset A and asset B. These assets have a vector of returns, 30 observations each. I calculate the estimated return as mean of the asset vector A and for B as a mean of asset vector B. Now I have rA and rB which I will call now vector $r$ . I build the covariance matrix as

var A B     COV A B

COV A B     var A B

I also have a risk free asset called Rf with $0.5$ return (for example) and I calculate for both (obtaining vector Rf):

rA - Rf
rB - Rf

Now I calculate the weights as a multiplication between covariance matrix and vector Rf and obtain 2 numbers which standardized, the sum is equal to 1 . Let's say $w_1=1.20$ and $w_2=-0.20$ (in financial terms I buy $120\%$ of asset A and shortsell $20\%$ of asset B) then you multiply this weights obtained by the vector of returns $r$ obtaining $1\times 1$ number which gives the return of the portfolio, same, you multiply the weights with variance covariance matrix and you get the variance of the portfolio.

Now the goal is to minimize the variance covariance matrix in order to have the optimal weights which minimize the risk.

Researchers write this problem as $$w^*=\arg\min (w'\Sigma w)$$ given that $\sum w_i=1$ where $w^*$ is the optimal weights vector and $\Sigma$ the var cov matrix.

Now seen this in a regression framework, it is possible to optimize this formulation adding a penalty function $R_o$ (whose intensity is controlled by $\lambda$) such as: $$w^*=\arg\min ((w'\Sigma w) +\lambda\Sigma R_o(w_i))$$

How can I see the covariance matrix as a regression? Which one is the explanatory variable, which is the dependent variable?

  • $\begingroup$ Why do you want to see the covariance matrix as a regression? Why do you think it should be? Forget about regression. You can add a penalty based on risk to the objective function if you want to .If anything the relationship is that regression can also be formulated as an optimization problem with a quadratic objective function, to which a penalty term can also be applied if desired. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 5, 2016 at 17:32
  • $\begingroup$ ok, I am showing the difference between L1norm and L2 norm and why I am applying lasso (when covariance matrix is singular ect ect) instead of OLS.. but how do i show the difference between lasso and ols - applied to a covariance matrix? I do not know how to translate the relationship given my data into a quadratic objective function.. I have been researching in this topic only since 2 weeks so I am no expert and do not know how to move from a to b.. $\endgroup$
    – domenico
    Commented Sep 5, 2016 at 18:15
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Neither OLS nor Lasso is involved here. Adding a penalty term does not turn this into a regression problem. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 5, 2016 at 19:51
  • $\begingroup$ ok then the initial statement in the paper of arxiv.org/pdf/0708.0046.pdf is confusing me " We consider the problem of portfolio selection within the classical Markowitz mean-variance framework, reformulated as a constrained least-squares regression problem." but I do not get their formulation. that is why I asked it here.. $\endgroup$
    – domenico
    Commented Sep 5, 2016 at 20:03

1 Answer 1


MV Optimization can easily be expressed as a regression (OLS) problem.

Firstly unconstrained: If you regress a $N\times1$ (where $N$ is the sample size) vector of ones on the asset returns, the relative regression coefficients are the same as the MVO weights; in fact, they are the solution to the maximization of quadratic utility i.e. $E[r]-\text{risk_aversion}\times E[r^2]$.

So by changing the constant dependent variable, we can arrive at weights that are exactly the same as MVO ones. If you solve MVO weights for a given risk aversion, then compute the portfolio mean and the portfolio variance, then the dependent variable in the regression will be $$\left[(\text{mean}^2+\text{var})/\text{mean}\right]\times\text{ONE}$$ where again $\text{ONE}$ is an $N\times1$ vector.

Introducing constraints is convenient with any quadratic programming engine you have access to.


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