I am struggling to address a specific research question within a MLM-framework. I have got a large dataset (N > 75,000) and three levels. Let's just assume I got individuals nested in gender, and gender nested in schools. The dataset contains 50 schools, gender (women/men), and my dependent variable is happiness. How can I test whether happiness differs unsystematically between gender across schools? For example, in school 1 women might be statistically significant more happy than men, and vice versa in school 2, whereas in school 3 there are no significant gender differences. I thought the crucial test might be comparing a mixed model in which individuals and schools are random but gender is fixed with a model in which the slope of gender is also random. Does this make sense? If so, how can I specify this in R, for example within lme4 or nlme?
Thank you
EDIT: I was also playing around with interactions (not sure if it makes sense, thought), but a comparison revealed exactly the same model fit (p = 1):
fm.null <- lmer(Happi~ 1 + (1|gender) + (1|school), df1, na.action=na.omit)
fm2 <- lmer(Happi ~ 1 + (1|gender) * (1|school), df1, na.action=na.omit)
anova(fm.null, fm2)