I am learning how to use libsvm through sklearn.svm in python. I read here about what happens and why when you change the C value as part of your model. My intuition from what I've learned would be that lower C values would use less support vectors to make a more general classification, while higher C values would use more support vectors to attempt to 'overfit' and account for all outliers.
That is not the case. For an example where I looped through a set of C values like so:
model = svm.SVC(kernel='linear', C=c)
model.fit(Xtrain, ytrain)
print("support vectors:", len(model.support_))
I got results:
support vectors: 1810
support vectors: 1750
support vectors: 1626
support vectors: 1558
As you can see, as C goes up, the number of support vectors used in the model goes down. Why does this happen?