I have a question regarding a linear mixed-effects model, specifically the random effects. I have taken one core in each zone (three Zones (U,L,P)) across five transects (T1-T5) and three seasonalities (A, J, O), each core was halved into two Horizons (upper, lower) and analysed separately. My main interestes are how lipid pattern changes across Zone, Season and Horizon.
I would like to run a linear mixed effects model, but I am uncertain how to inform the model of the dependency of my halved cores. I had considered creating a "plotID" from the Zone and Transect factors as a unique identifier and add the horizon as nested within this.
This is the code I have for now:
m3 <- lmer(Bacteria ~ Zone*Season*Horizon + (1 | PlotID)+(1 | Horizon:PlotID),df)
Is this the correct way to identify this for the model?
Thank you in advance for your help