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What is the analog of the central limit theorem or concentration theorem for resampling, say, an i.i.d. samples? Are there any references for this topic?
Here is a simple example. Suppose there are $n$ i.i.d. random variables $\{x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_n\}$ with mean $0$ and standard deviation $1$. We sample uniformly randomly with replacement from this set $n$ times and obtain random variables ${y_1,y_2,\cdots,y_n}$. What is the distribution of the mean $\displaystyle y=\frac1{\sqrt n}\sum_{i=1}^ny_i$ as $n\to\infty$?
$\begingroup$Could you be more specific concerning what you suppose such a theorem might assert? "Resampling" covers an awful lot of ground!$\endgroup$
$\begingroup$Don't cross-post. If you want a question to have more attention, you can add a bounty. If you want to have the question appear elsewhere, you can flag the question for migration.…$\endgroup$
$\begingroup$That's not how this site works. If you want to debate the merits of cross-posting, you can open a question of meta.SO. If you want avoid down-votes, use the site in accordance with the community norms.$\endgroup$
$\begingroup$Click the word "flag" below the post, click "in need of moderator intervention," then write a note requesting migration. Only moderators can do migration.$\endgroup$
This is no sooner cross-posted to than is expertly answered by Iosif Pinelis, finally. I copy his answer below for interested people.
First, we need to fix the notation a bit. Let $X_1,X_2,\dots$ be iid zero-mean unit-variance random variables (r.v.'s). For each natural $n$, let the $n$-tuple $(J_1,\dots,J_n):=(J_{n,1},\dots,J_{n,n})$ of r.v.'s be independent of the $X_k$'s and have the multinomial distribution with parameters $n,1/n,\dots,1/n$.
For each $k\in[n]:=\{1,\dots,n\}$, the value of $J_k=J_{n,k}$ is the number of times the value $X_k$ was selected into the "re-sample" from the "sample" $X_1,\dots,X_n$.
S_n:=\frac1{\sqrt n}\,\sum_{k=1}^n J_k X_k,
so that $S_n$ equals $\sqrt n$ times what you denoted by $y$.
We have to find the limit distribution of $S_n$ (as $n\to\infty$). Let us show that this limit distribution is $N(0,2)$.
Indeed, note first here that the characteristic function (c.f.) $g_n$ of $S_n$ is given by the formula
g_n(t):=Ee^{itS_n}=EE(e^{itS_n}|J_1,\dots,J_n)=E\prod_{k=1}^n f(J_kt/\sqrt n)
for real $t$, where $f$ is the c.f. of $X_1$. Next, the joint moment generating function (mgf) $M_n$ of $(J_1,\dots,J_n)$ is given by the formula
M_n(t_1,\dots,t_n):=Ee^{t_1J_1+\cdots+t_nJ_n}=\Big(\frac1n\,\sum_{k=1}^n e^{t_k}\Big)^n
for real $t_1,\dots,t_n$. This follows because (i) the random vector $(J_1,\dots,J_n)$ is the sum of the $n$ iid random vectors $(I_{1,1},\dots,I_{1,n}),\dots,(I_{n,1},\dots,I_{n,n})$, where $I_{j,k}$ is the indicator that the value selected from the "sample" $X_1,\dots,X_n$ at the $j$th step was that of $X_k$ and (ii) the joint mgf of the random vector $(I_{1,1},\dots,I_{1,n})$ is $(t_1,\dots,t_n)\mapsto\frac1n\,\sum_{k=1}^n e^{t_k}$.
Hence, for any distinct $k$ and $l$ in $[n]$\begin{equation*}
EJ_k^2 J_l^2=EJ_1^2 J_2^2=\frac{\partial^4}{\partial t^2\partial u^2}M_n(t,u,0,\dots,0)\Big|_{t=0,u=0}=4+O(1/n).
So, for
we have
EW^2=nEJ_1^4+n(n-1)EJ_1^2 J_2^2=4n^2+O(n),
and hence
So, for any real $\epsilon>0$,
P(|W-2n|>\epsilon n)=O(1/n)\to0,
so that
$$\frac Wn\to2$$
in probability.
Also, for the event
A_n:=\{\max_{k\in[n]}J_k\le n^{1/3}\}
(on which all the $J_k$'s are small enough)
and its complement $A_n^c$ we have
P(A_n^c)\le nP(J_1>n^{1/3})\le n\,EJ_1^4/n^{4/3}=O(1/n^{1/3})\to0
and hence $P(A_n)\to1$ and $1_{A_n}\to1$ in probability.
as $\mathbb R\ni s\to0$. So, for each real $t$ \begin{equation*}
1_{A_n}\prod_{k=1}^n f(J_kt/\sqrt n)=1_{A_n}\exp\Big(-\frac{t^2W}{(2+o(1))n}\Big)\to e^{-t^2}
in probability.
On the other hand, $|f(s)|=|Ee^{isX_1}|\le E|e^{isX_1}|=E1=1$ for all real $s$.
\Big|1_{A_n^c}\prod_{k=1}^n f(J_kt/\sqrt n)\Big|\le1_{A_n^c}\to0
in probability for each real $t$.
So, by dominated convergence,
g_n(t)=E\prod_{k=1}^n f(J_kt/\sqrt n)
=E1_{A_n}\prod_{k=1}^n f(J_kt/\sqrt n)+E1_{A_n^c}\prod_{k=1}^n f(J_kt/\sqrt n)
\to e^{-t^2}
for each real $t$.
Thus, the distribution of $S_n$ converges to $N(0,2)$, as claimed.
That the asymptotic variance of $S_n$ is $2$ (rather than $1$, as might have been expected) stems from the fact that $EJ_k^2=2-1/n\to2$. To have another look at this phenomenon, we can let $\vec J:=(J_1,\dots,J_n)$ and write
\text{Var}\,S_n=E\,\text{Var}(S_n|\vec J)+\text{Var}\,E(S_n|\vec J)
=E\frac1n\sum_1^n J_k^2+Var\,0=E J_1^2=2-1/n\to2.