In short: In the general situation where the mean is not restricted to be a known constant, there exists no strictly consistent loss function for the variance. Let's unpack what that means.
(Strict) Consistency
The definition of (strict) consistency provides a suitable mathematical tool to interpret the statement 'Minimizing square loss results in predicting conditional means.' Essentially, a loss function $L: \mathbb{R} \times \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ is consistent for the mean relative to the the class of distributions $\mathcal{F}$ if
\mathbb{E}_{Y \sim F} L( \mathbb{E}_{Y \sim F} (Y), Y) \le \mathbb{E}_{Y \sim F} L( x, Y)
for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$ and $F \in \mathcal{F}$. It is strictly consistent if equality implies $x= \mathbb{E}_{Y \sim F} (Y)$. The true expectation is thus the (unique) minimizer of the expected loss. Standard arguments show that squared error $L(x,y) = (x -y)^2$ satisfies this definition.
Naturally, we can investigate consistency for any statistic which can be computed from a distribution $F$, e.g. for the median, by simply replacing $\mathbb{E}_F (Y)$ in this definition by our statistic of interest. Also, nothing changes when we use conditional expectations instead of unconditional ones, so we can simply omit the conditioning for better understanding.
Convex level sets
The question is now whether there is a loss function $L$ such that the true variance minimizes it in expectation. Luckily, theory on strictly consistent loss functions shows that they can only exist, if the statistic of interest, let's call it $T$, satisfies the convex level sets property. This states that if two distributions $F_0$ and $F_1$ satisfy $T(F_0) = T(F_1)$, then for their convex combination $F_\lambda := \lambda F_1 + (1- \lambda) F_0$ we must have $T(F_\lambda) = T(F_0)$ for all $\lambda \in [0,1]$.
The mean ($T(F) := \mathbb{E}_{Y\sim F} Y$) and also the median satisfy this condition. The variance also satisfies this condition as long as the mean is the same for $F_0$ and $F_1$. However, in convex classes $\mathcal{F}$ where the mean is not constant, the variance will violate this property for infinitely many distribution pairs. Consequently, no strictly consistent loss function for the variance can exist relative to such general classes.
Further remarks
Strictly consistent loss functions are often called strictly consistent scoring functions in the literature, since the concept is closely connected to (strict) propriety of scoring rules, see also my answer to Equivalent of proper scoring rule for point forecasts. The statistics which possess strictly consistent scoring/loss functions are usually called elicitable.
Convex level sets are only necessary and not sufficient for existence, i.e. a statistic which has convex level sets does not need to have
a strictly consistent scoring/loss function.
Gneiting's Making and evaluating point forecasts defines (strict) consistency and gives a proof why convex level sets are necessary for their existence (Theorem 6)