In brief (and accounting for my own preferences...), the posts linked by @Scortchi suggest Gelman & Hill, Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models, which is a wonderful book. I love it, I've even contributed to translate its BUGS examples to Stan (here).
However, if you are interested in a "detailed explanation and steps of regression (incl multiple, logistic, poisson...) , Anova, etc...", a useful first book could better be Kutner et al., Applied Linear Statistical Models.
You'll find a thorough discussion about simple and multiple linear regression, including diagnostics, remedial measures, model selection and validation (Chapters 1-11), logistic and poisson regression (14), design of experimental and observational studies (15), ANOVA (16-21, 23-24), analysis of covariance (22), random and mixed effects models (25), nested designs (26), repeated measures (27) etc.
Gelman & Hill could be the best second step.