First an example for
"How would I predict into the future using a KNN regressor ?".
Problem: predict hours of sunlight tomorrow $sun_{t+1}$
from $sun_t .. sun_{t-6}$ over the last week.
Training data: $sun_t$ (in one city) over the last 10 years, 3650 numbers.
Denote $week_t \equiv sun_t .. sun_{t-6}$
and $tomorrow( week_t )) \equiv sun_{t+1} $ .
Method: put the 3650-odd $week_t$ curves in a k-d tree with k=7.
Given a new $week$, look up its say 10 nearest-neighbor weeks
with their $tomorrow_0 .. tomorrow_9$
and calculate
$\qquad predict( week ) \equiv $ weighted average of $tomorrow_0 .. tomorrow_9$
Tune the weights,
see e.g.
and the distance metric for "Nearest neighbor" in 7d.
"What are the advantages of using a KNN regressor ?"
To others' good comments
I'd add easy to code and understand,
and scales up to big data.
Disadvantages: sensitive to data and tuning, not much understanding.
(Longish footnote on terminology:
"regression" is used
as a fancy word for "fitting a model to data".
Most common is fitting data $X$ to a target $Y$ with a linear model:
$\qquad Y_t = b_0 X_t + b_1 X_{t-1} + ... $
Also common is predicting tomorrow's say stock price $Y_{t+1}$
from prices over the last week or year:
$\qquad Y_{t+1} = a_0 Y_t + a_1 Y_{t-1} + ... $
Forecasters call this an
Autoregressive moving-average_model
Autoregressive model
See also
Regression analysis
So your first line
"we can only build a regression function that lies within the interval of the training data"
seems to be about the confusing word "regression".)