I have the following regression model $$ p_i = x'_i\beta +s \varepsilon_i $$ with sample size $n \approx 150$ and 4 independent variables.
I have reason to believe and $\varepsilon_i$ is distributed iid standard cauchy. So I interpret the above regression as a sort of median regression and solve for $\beta$ and $s$ via maximizing the following log likelihood
$$ \hat\ell(\beta,s\mid x_1,\dotsc,x_n)=- n \log (s \pi) - \sum_{i=1}^n \log \left(1 + \left(\frac{p_i - x'_i\beta}{s}\right)^2\right) $$
The first order conditions are $$ \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{p_i - x'_i\beta}{s^2 + [p_i - x'_i\beta]^2} = 0 $$ $$ \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{s^2}{s^2 + [p_i - x'_i\beta]^2} - \frac{n}{2} = 0 $$
I am fine with numerical optimization (in R using optim or something). But I have a few concerns
- I know I am not guaranteed a unique solution in general..at least after seeing MLE of the location parameter in a Cauchy distribution, but how should I go about verifying that my output is actually the global max? I have already run my model in R, and tried random start values which always yeild answers that are identical or very close. I suppose I could also use start values from a preliminary OLS or non-parametric median regression?
- Even if I find the global max and the cauchy specification is correct, can I be guaranteed the asymptotic standard errors are good approximations for the finite sample of 150? I get very significant results for this model. I bootstrapped the above and found much larger standard errors which makes everything insignificant :(. But even then my sample size is only 150 and I am bootstrapping Cauchy distributed data, so the bootstrap may not be so reliable either?
- I suppose the industry standard alternative is the standard non-parametric median regression with bootstrapped standard errors i.e.
$$ \underset{\beta}{arg min} \left[-\sum_{p_{i}<x'_i\beta}(p_{i}-x'_i\beta)+\sum_{p_{i}\geq x'_i\beta}(p_{i}-x'_i\beta) \right] $$
Would this be a better idea even if I am confident about my Cauchy assumption? Again, I only have 150 obs.
Long story short. I like the Cauchy for theoretical reasons and because it gives me significant coefficients. On the other hand, I am concerned because the non-parametric bootstrap gives higher standard errors implying insignificance. I also don't know how well I can trust the local maxima to be global during numeric optimization. Thank you for all your help.