I'm doing a two-factor ANOVA using the lmerTest
package. Each factor has multiple levels. When one (or more) of the effects are significant, I would like to do a post-hoc test to determine which of the levels differ from each other. Here, I set up the model as:
model = lmer('measure~factor*experiment+(1|subject_id)', data=data)
The output appears as follows:
Analysis of Variance Table of type 3 with Satterthwaite
approximation for degrees of freedom
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Denom Pr(>F)
factor 3 2388.82 796.27 16.3140 9.999 0.0003527 ***
experiment 3 254.11 84.70 2.7689 30.000 0.0588323 .
factor:experiment 9 1301.40 144.60 2.9626 30.000 0.0121071 *
At this point, I can inspect the factors and see which factors are significant. However, when I look at the summary of the model:
I get a much more detailed output (truncated to the relevant portion for clarity):
t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -5.600 8.99e-06 ***
factorLevel1 0.289 0.77522
factorLevel2 2.855 0.00871 **
factorLevel3 -6.535 9.00e-07 ***
experimentSession1 -0.747 0.46086
experimentSession2 -0.825 0.41596
experimentSession3 0.317 0.75354
factorLevel1:experimentSession1 -1.297 0.20454
factorLevel2:experimentSession1 -0.903 0.37376
factorLevel3:experimentSession1 3.025 0.00506 **
factorLevel1:experimentSession2 0.591 0.55917
factorLevel2:experimentSession2 -0.777 0.44341
factorLevel3:experimentSession2 3.027 0.00504 **
factorLevel1:experimentSession3 -0.123 0.90269
factorLevel2:experimentSession3 -1.060 0.29770
How do I interpret these values? Is this telling me that coefficient for factorLevel2
is significantly different from 0? If I then do a Multiple Comparison of Means:
print(summary(glht(m, linfct=mcp(experiment="Tukey", factor="Tukey"))))
I get the following output:
experiment: Session1 - Session0 == 0 -0.747 0.9829
experiment: Session2 - Session0 == 0 -0.825 0.9718
experiment: Session3 - Session0 == 0 0.317 0.9999
experiment: Session2 - Session1 == 0 -0.078 1.0000
experiment: Session3 - Session1 == 0 1.064 0.9079
experiment: Session3 - Session2 == 0 1.142 0.8759
factor: Level2 - Level1 == 0 0.289 0.9999
factor: Level3 - Level1 == 0 2.855 0.0425 *
factor: Level4 - Level1 == 0 -6.535 <0.001 ***
factor: Level3 - Level2 == 0 1.517 0.6542
factor: Level4 - Level2 == 0 -5.395 <0.001 ***
factor: Level4 - Level3 == 0 -8.341 <0.001 ***
This is more understandable as it is telling me which pairwise factors are significantly different. But, I'm unsure how to interpret the summary table produced by summary()
and how the numbers compare to the table produced by glht()