I wonder, how to analyze a dataset the right way.
My data are generated as follows:
- Take one graph $G$ with $G \in \{ \text{random}, \text{spanning-tree}, \text{empty}\}$
- Doing something with the graph, depending on parameter $n$ for $n=1$ to $100$:
- Measuring parameter $a$, $b$ and $c$ (e.g. Cluster Coefficient C, Pathlength L and Powerlaw-Exponent Alpha)
I run this setup for each graph once and checked the correlation (what happens to a, b or c if I increase n).
My next task, is to check if there is a difference in the parameters between the different graph types for a series of $n=1$ to $100$.
I want to know if the graph-type has an influence on my parameters (depending on n). My best case would be, that I can take an empty graph.
My current approach is:
- For each graph type:
- Calculate the parameters a, b and c for each n ($n=1$ to $100$) (averaged over 100 runs)
So far I get for each graph type a file with 100 rows (1 row per n) with 3 parameters.
Then I do a one-way-anova analysis for each parameter with the graph-type as my IV and the parameter as my DV.
Is this approach right? Or should I create 100 datasets (one for each n) for each graph type and perform a anova analysis on them?
Kind regards and thanks for any help,