I would argue that at least when discussing linear models (like AR models), adjusted $R^2$ and AIC are not that different. (This discussion is based on Hansen's Econometrics textbook, if I remember correctly.)
Consider the question of whether $X_2$ should be included in
y=\underset{(n\times K_1)}{X_1}\beta_1+\underset{(n\times K_2)}{X_2}\beta_2+\epsilon
This is equivalent to comparing the models
where $E(u|X_1,X_2)=0$. We say that $\mathcal{M}_2$ is the true model if $\beta_2\neq0$.
Notice that $\mathcal{M}_1\subset\mathcal{M}_2$. The models are thus nested.
A model selection procedure $\widehat{\mathcal{M}}$ is a data-dependent rule that selects the most plausible of several models.
We say
$\widehat{\mathcal{M}}$ is consistent if
Consider adjusted $R^2$. That is, choose $\mathcal{M}_1$ if $\bar{R}^2_1>\bar{R}^2_2$. As $\bar{R}^2$ is monotonically decreasing in $s^2$, this procedure is equivalent to minimizing $s^2$. In turn, this is equivalent to minimizing $\log(s^2)$. For sufficiently large $n$, the latter can be written as
\log(s^2)&=&\log\left(\widehat{\sigma}^2\frac{n}{n-K}\right) \\
&=&\log(\widehat{\sigma}^2)+\log\left(1+\frac{K}{n-K}\right) \\
&\approx&\log(\widehat{\sigma}^2)+\frac{K}{n-K} \\
where $\widehat{\sigma}^2$ is the ML estimator of the error variance. Model selection based on $\bar{R}^2$ is therefore asymptotically equivalent to choosing the model with the smallest
This procedure is inconsistent.
P\bigl(\bar{R}^2_1>\bar{R}^2_2|\mathcal{M}_1\bigr)&\approx&P\bigl(\log(s^2_1)<\log(s^2_2)|\mathcal{M}_1\bigr) \\
&=&P\bigl(n\log(s^2_1)<n\log(s^2_2)|\mathcal{M}_1\bigr) \\
&\approx&P(n\log(\widehat{\sigma}^2_1)+K_1<n\log(\widehat{\sigma}^2_2)+K_1+K_2|\mathcal{M}_1) \\
&=&P(n[\log(\widehat{\sigma}^2_1)-\log(\widehat{\sigma}^2_2)]<K_2|\mathcal{M}_1) \\
&\rightarrow&P(\chi^2_{K_2}<K_2) \\
where the 2nd-to-last line follows because the statistic is the LR statistic in the linear regression case that follows an asymptotic $\chi^2_{K_2}$ null distribution.
Now consider Akaike's criterion,
Thus, the AIC also trades off the reduction of the SSR implied by additional regressors against the "penalty term," which points in the opposite direction. Thus, choose $\mathcal{M}_1$ if
$AIC_1<AIC_2$, else select $\mathcal{M}_2$.
It can be seen that the $AIC$ is also inconsistent by continuing the above proof in line three with $P(n\log(\widehat{\sigma}^2_1)+2K_1<n\log(\widehat{\sigma}^2_2)+2(K_1+K_2)|\mathcal{M}_1)$. The adjusted $R^2$ and the $AIC$ thus choose the "large" model $\mathcal{M}_2$ with positive probability, even if $\mathcal{M}_1$ is the true model.
As the penalty for complexity in AIC is a little larger than for adjusted $R^2$, it may be less prone to overselect, though. And it has other nice properties (minimizing the KL divergence to the true model if that is not in the set of models considered) that are not addressed in my post.