A very basic model for this could look something like this.
Let $N_i \sim f(n \mid \theta_i)$ be the total number of projects of team $i$. A team finishes a project with probability $p_i$. Assuming independence among projects (which in practice won't be true) we have that the number of finished projects $K_i$ conditioned on $N_i$ is a binomial $K_i \mid N_i \sim Binom(N_i, p_i)$.
Now to allow heterogeneity among teams put a prior distribution on $p_i$; a common distribution for a probability is the $Beta(\mu, \phi)$ distribution with mean $\mu$ and precision (inverse proportional to variance) $\phi$. For large $\phi$ it looks a lot like the bell shape of a Normal distribution; for $\phi = 1$ and $\mu = 0.5$ it is a uniform distribution on $[0, 1]$; for small $\phi$ it becomes U-shaped. The parametrization with mean and precision by Ferrari and Cribari-Neto (2004) is different to the usual parametrization of the Beta distribution with $\alpha$ and $\beta$, but $\mu$ and $\phi$ is easier to interpret and easier to model in a regression (unless you are Bayesian ;) ). The R package betareg implements estimators for it.
So overall a basic model for your process is
N_i \sim Poisson(\lambda_i) \\
K_i \mid N_i \sim Binom(N_i, p_i) \\
p_i \sim Beta(\mu, \phi)
The nice part of the Beta model as Ferrari and Cribari-Neto propose it is that you can easily model the average probability of success of the company as a function of explanatory variables $X$ using a link function (usually logit) to do $\mu = logit^{-1}(X \beta)$. See this post for an example (with illustration plot of the probability as a function of $x$).
As an extension to this consider the Poisson-binomial distribution, where the success of each project for a team is not equal.
Update: Simulation code looks something like this (here I model the probability of success as a function of team size):
nTeams <- 100
avg.team.size <- 10
team.size <- rpois(nTeams, avg.team.size)
dev.from.avg.size <- abs(team.size - avg.team.size)^2
prob.mu <- exp(-.01 - dev.from.avg.size)
prob.phi <- dev.from.avg.size + 4
prob.alpha <- prob.mu * prob.phi
prob.beta <- (1 - prob.mu) * prob.phi
pp <- rbeta(n = nTeams, shape1 = prob.alpha, shape2 = prob.beta)
NN <- rpois(nTeams, lambda = 10)
KK <- rbinom(length(NN), size = NN, prob = pp)
One thing to take care of is that the original paper works only for $p \in (0, 1)$, i.e., the open interval. Binomial regression does not have this issue, and if you have access to $N$ and $K$ observations then I suggest to follow Glen_b advice and do binomial. However, there are extension to beta regression for $p \sim [0, 1]$.
An interesting question to ask is the following: how many projects could a team have completed had they not had $p < 1$ success rate? This is related to imputation models and the Beta-Binoial Negative-Binomial model (see Hofler and Scrogin and Goerg et al.).