I am trying to figure out how the first residual is calculated in an AR(1) model. It's easy to generate all of the other residuals, but I have no idea how r calculates the first one.
Here is an example that I am working with:
> set.seed(1) #use 390
> x <- arima.sim(n = 20, model=list(order=c(1,0,0), ar=c(0.7)))
> fit <- arima(x, c(1,0,0), include.mean = F)
> residuals <- 0
> residuals[2:20] <- x[2:20] - fit$coef[1] * x[1:19]
> data.frame(residuals, fit$residuals)
residuals fit.residuals
1 0.00000000 0.99077920
2 0.56625275 0.56625275
3 0.88811131 0.88811131
4 0.74271680 0.74271680
5 0.03181057 0.03181057
6 -2.02072514 -2.02072514
7 0.63642551 0.63642551
8 -0.05652348 -0.05652348
9 -0.15498384 -0.15498384
10 -1.46716431 -1.46716431
11 -0.44712965 -0.44712965
12 0.44892420 0.44892420
13 1.37226611 1.37226611
14 -0.11961349 -0.11961349
15 0.37788599 0.37788599
16 -0.06816952 -0.06816952
17 -1.38607175 -1.38607175
18 -0.39461047 -0.39461047
19 -0.37197692 -0.37197692
20 -0.03605144 -0.03605144
Ultimately, I would like to get a clearer understanding of how forecasts are generated for ARIMA models. But, to forecast the MA portion, I need to know the residuals for all of the observed values in the series. Not understanding how to calculate the first residual thus poses an issue.