I'ma stats newbie and do not know how to go about this. So I will lay it out as best as i can in the hope that some one here can help me out !
I work for a IT Infrastructure (Datacenter services) company XYZ. This company has sets up wintel, Unix boxes, Databases and Networks for it's clients as part of its services offering.
I am trying to determine whether we can do some statistical test using sampling to test the quality of the the work performed by our engineers(Hardware setup plus software installation+any software programs written as part of all this work).
So let's say we provide 5 different services (wintel, Unix, DB, Networks, Middleware). All these have two kinds of projects. Standardized projects(like a shrink-wrapped product) and Non-standard/custom projects. Please let me know if you need any more details.
If I can use statistical tools for testing, what kind of tests would they be ? what kind of sampling mechanism can I use to determine an optimum sample size ?
The idea is to use these tests, get results, look at root causes and then maybe run some six sigma type improvement programs for the deficiencies.
Thanks in advance to your replies
Edit (in response to comments)
Broadly we would like to measure "Quality of Performed Work"
We are thinking of two types of quality indicators.
1) One would be done at the end of the project - customer survey. 10 questions; responses(5-1 points for Excellent, very good et al)
2) One quality indicator to check during progress of project. for a 3 month project we could have a safety checklist of 4 items, one safety check per every 3 weeks.
The idea is to compare is "in-process" project safety check scores with the customer survey scores to get an integrated view of the course of the project.
This would help identify if and where a problem has occurred, customer perception, PM communication, engineer execution, process stability, insufficient safety checks etc.
Since this entire process is in conceptual stage, there is only limited information about it with me.
I cannot characterize it's shape right now. I am assuming that Let me see if I can get some information on that.
Edit (migrated from a reply that functioned as a comment)
The Org. i work for is a Matrix organization with the a director level person serving as the Project Sponsor. We are also heavily ITIL based organization where everything is a Service.
The Engineers have their Direct reporting Managers and also have dotted line reporting to the Project managers. In this situation where all org.s have their priorities, it will be very hard to tie at Engineer level , their performance goals to some Quality measures.
But the VP has defined some Goals for the org, part of which is that everything should be measurable and Imp. measures should be on a Dashboard. So compliance to this will be measured for each group under the org.
I would like some more advice on the kind of qualitative measures that we can use in this approach (as stated in my last two posts). This is to measure Project Delivery by the org.
Thanks to all who contribute.
Rolando2- Thank you for your contribution !