I have a question regarding the timing of treatment effects and how one could use the difference-in-difference estimator on a panel data set.
Let me begin by saying that I have a big firm level unbalanced panel dataset with large N (7000-ish), small T (varies from 3 to 28). I'm interested in analysing the effects of a particular policy intervention, however, the problem is that the treatment timing is different for different firms and I'm wondering how (and if) one can account for this in the DiD framework.
As I understand it, the general DiD panel data setup with simultaneous treatment would look something like this: $$ y_{it} = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 \text{Treat}_{i} + \alpha_2 \text{After}_{t} + \delta (\text{Treat*After})_{it}+ x_{it}'\beta + \text{FFE}+\text{TFE} + \varepsilon_{it}, $$ where:
- Treat = 1 if in the treatment group, 0 otherwise
- After = 1 if after policy intervention, 0 otherwise
- $x$ is a vector of controls, $\alpha_i$ are the parameters/constants and $\delta$ is the treatment effect
- FFE are the firm fixed effects and TFE are the time fixed effects
After searching for the site I haven't been able to find an answer I fully understand, however, this post as I undstand it suggests running a model along the lines of:
$$ y_{it} = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 \text{Treat}_{i} + \delta \text{Policy}_{it}+ \sum^T_{t=2} \alpha_t \text{year}_t+x_{it}'\beta + \text{FFE} + \varepsilon_{it}, $$ where:
- "...policy is a dummy for each individual that equals 1 if the individual is in the treatment group after the policy intervention/treatment..." (from the post linked above)
- year are a set of time dummies
I guess I have two things I don't understand with this approach;
- The construction of the dummy(s) $\text{Policy}_{it}$. Is this one dummy variable just taking the value one for each treated firm after their time varying treatment takes place? Or does the author of the post mean one dummy for each firm indicating the timing of treatment?
- My second question relates to the first but is more conceptual. To my understanding the difference-in-difference approach is about using the non-treated as a counterfactual outcome for the treated (assuming parallel trends) - in absence of treatment. However, when the treatment timing is different for different firms in this case, there is no clear "after period" for the control group and I beleive this is the cause of my confusion here. What is the conceptual idea behind this approach suggested in the previous link? Is this approach even remotely possible or should one apply some different identification strategy? In that case, what would be appropriate given the circumstances?
Any answers, references to papers or books working with panel data sets with different treatment timings (preferably of econometric nature) would be greatly appreciated.