(One step back first) Typically, the assumptions underlying a linear regression model
$$y_i = x_i^T\beta + e_i,\,\,\, i=1,\dots,n$$
- The errors $e_i$ are i.i.d. with Normal distribution with mean zero and variance $\sigma^2$.
- The covariates are either a sequence of deterministic vectors or they come from a joint distribution such that for large enough $n$ the matrix $X^TX$ is positive definite, where $X$ is the design matrix.
- $x_i \bot e_i$, the covariates and the errors are independent.
Of course, there are all sorts of generalizations of these assumptions (e.g. heteroscedasticity).
Suppose that you remove some covariates and keep $z_i$ covariates, then $y_i-z_i^T\beta_z$ are not necessarily normal since $e_i = y_i-x_i^T\beta \neq y_i-z_i^T\beta_z$, and consequently nothing guarantees the normality of the residuals under the smaller model.
In practice, if you fit a model, and the residuals look normal, this does not imply that under a smaller model the residuals will also look normal. Have a look at the following example in R for instance:
# Simulated data
ns = 1000 # sample size
X = cbind(1,rgamma(ns,5,5),rgamma(ns,5,5,)) # design matrix
e = rnorm(ns,0,0.5) # errors
beta = c(1,2,3) # true regression parameters
y = X%*%beta + e # simulating the responses
# fitting the model
lmr = lm(y~-1+X)
# residuals
res = lmr$residuals
# histogram and normality test: nicely normal looking
# Using only two covariates (one of them is the intercept)
Z = X[,1:2]
# Fitting the smaller model
lmrz = lm(y~-1+Z)
# residuals
resz = lmrz$residuals
# histogram and normality test: not normal looking and failing the test