The combine
function in randomForest
makes it possible to combine multiple randomForest
Prepare data:
X1 <- rnorm(100, 120, 16)
X2 <- X1 + rnorm(100, 200, 10)
X3 <- 0.8*X2 + rnorm(100, 140, 12)
Y <- factor(as.numeric(X1 > 125))
dat.test <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3)
# Impose missingness
Y[runif(100) < 0.5] <- NA
X1[runif(100) < 0.5] <- NA
X2[runif(100) < 0.5] <- NA
X3[runif(100) < 0.5] <- NA
dat <- data.frame(Y, X1, X2, X3)
Impute missing data:
mice <- mice(dat, m = 10, method = "rf")
impdat <- NULL # allocate empty list of imputations
for (m in 1:10){impdat[[m]] <- complete(mice, m)} # export imputations
Now train m models on m complete data sets:
rf <- NULL
for (m in 1:10){rf[[m]] <- randomForest(Y ~ ., data = impdat[[m]])}
Option 1
The combine
function in randomForest
can aggregate same-size trees:
body(combine)[[4]] <- substitute(rflist <- (...))
rf.all <- combine(rf)
Where rf.all
is your 'pooled' model. If we test it:
predictions <- predict(rf.all, within(dat.test, rm("Y")))
table(dat.test$Y, predictions)
0 1
0 70 1
1 2 27
We find the predictions are quite accurate.
Option 2
A second option is to pool together the votes from each model:
votes <- list()
for (m in 1:10){votes[[m]] <- predict(rf[[m]],
within(dat.test, rm("Y")),
type = "vote")}
votes <- Reduce('+', votes)
predictions <- NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(votes))
{if (votes[i,1] < votes[i,2])
{predictions[i] = 1} else {predictions[i] = 0}}
Note the choice of type = "vote"
in the argument of predict
. Other functions might require type = "prob"
> table(dat.test$Y, predictions) # mostly accurate
0 1
0 70 1
1 2 27
The confusion matrix is the same.
Pooling votes is a general approach for tree-based models that should satisfy for ranger
objects and gbm
If the goal is regression rather than classification, pooling the votes is very similar, but set type = "response"
in predict
(the default).
rf <- NULL
for (m in 1:10){rf[[m]] <- randomForest(X1 ~ ., data = impdat[[m]])}
predictions <- list()
for (m in 1:10){predictions[[m]] <- predict(rf[[m]],
within(dat.test, rm("X1")),
type = "response")}
predictions <- Reduce('+', predictions)/10 # divide by m
Calculate mean square error:
> mean((predictions - dat.test$X1)^2)
[1] 64.78884