You can obtain upper bound by applying Talagrand inequality : look at Chatterjee's book (Superconcentration phenomenon for instance) .
It tells you that ${\rm Var}(f)\leq C\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{\|\partial_if\|_2^2}{1+\log( \|\partial_i f||_2/\|\partial_i f\|_1)}$.
For the maximum, you get $\partial_if=1_{X_i=max}$, then by integrating with respect to the Gaussian measure on $\mathbb{R}^n$ you get
$\|\partial_if\|_2^2=\|\partial_if\|_1=\frac{1}{n}$ by symmetry. (Here I choose all my rv iid with variance one).
This the true order of the variance : since you have some upper bound on the expectation of the maximum, this article of Eldan-Ding Zhai (On Multiple peaks and moderate deviation of Gaussian supremum) tells you that
${\rm Var}(\max X_i)\geq C/(1+\mathbb{E}[\max X_i])^2$
It is also possible to obtain sharp concentration inequality reflecting these bound on the variance : you can look at
or, for more general gaussian process, at my paper
In full generality it is rather hard to find the right order of magnitude of the variance of a Gaussien supremum since the tools from concentration theory are always suboptimal for the maximum function.
Why do you need these kinds of estimates if I may ask ?