

I am a software developer and I have been studying ARMA methods. Currently, I have a spatiotemporal stream of data and would like to apply ARMA model to it. I have a binary target (independent variable) comprised of 0 and 1. My problem is that I would like to use ARMA to both detect (classify/estimate) 0 and 1 and then later predict using my stream of data.


What are the ARMA models that can detect/predict/classify/estimate for boolean output (0 or 1)? Is there a specialized name for such a model given my use case is a binary variable as a target? Are there libraries in python or R that I can further study to help me or a literature?


I have been unsuccessful in answering this question and have done the following:

  • Introduction to Time Series by Chatfield
  • Maching Learning by Kevin Murphy
  • StackExchange and Google

I beg your pardon and assistance given I am not a domain expert in this area. Any clues, comments, suggested texts, software packages, and materials would be extremely valuable in assisting me further.



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