Different panel data can have very different "shapes", e.g. regarding the length and resolution of the time series component (yearly, daily, hourly intervals) or the number of individuals and cross-sectional variables. When I read about panel data methods the examples mainly refer to economic data of different countries (N) over a number of years (T). Both N and T are usually <100.
The panel data set I am working with has a comparably high temporal resolution (days) and thus the time-series component is predominating. The number of individuals and cross-sectional variables is comparably small.
My questions are:
1) Is there any existing categorization of panel data with respect to its shape? I have heard the expression "long panels" once but do not know exactly what it means.
2) There are references explaining which regression method (FE,RE,pooled) to use, but is there any intuitive preference for a dataset like mine?
Thanks in advance!