Christoph Adolph makes it possible:
For panels with long T:
# Load libraries
library(nlme) # Estimation of mixed effects models
library(lme4) # Alternative package for mixed effects models
library(plm) # Econometrics package for linear panel models
library(arm) # Gelman & Hill code for mixed effects simulation
library(pcse) # Calculate PCSEs for LS models (Beck & Katz)
library(tseries) # For ADF unit root test
library(simcf) # For panel functions and simulators
# Estimate a random effects AR(I)MA(p,q) model using lme (Restricted ML)
lme.res1 <- lme(# A formula object including the response,
# the fixed covariates, and any grouping variables
fixed = GDPWdiff ~ OIL + REG + EDT,
# The random effects component
random = ~ 1 | COUNTRY,
# The TS dynamics: specify the time & group variables,
# and the order of the ARMA(p,q) process
correlation = corARMA(form = ~ YEAR | COUNTRY,
p = 1, # AR(p) order
q = 0 # MA(q) order