What type of statistical test I could apply in order to test if my dataset, which follow a Poisson distribution, contains clustered observations?
Here my dataset:
df = read.table(text = Year Freq
1975 10
1976 12
1977 9
1978 14
1979 14
1980 11
1981 8
1982 7
1983 10
1984 8
1985 12
1986 9
1987 10
1988 9
1989 10
1990 9
1991 11
1992 12
1993 9
1994 10
1995 8
1996 12
1997 11
1998 13
1999 7
2000 13
2001 10
2002 9
2003 8
2004 13
2005 15
2006 11
2007 10
2008 11
2009 9
2010 10
2011 8
2012 11
2013 10
2014 6, header = TRUE)
I need to do a cluster analysis on these data in order to know if they are clustered.
Please see below what I tried to do:
# Determine number of clusters
mydata <- as.data.frame(df$Freq)
wss <- (nrow(mydata)-1)*sum(apply(mydata,2,var))
for (i in 2:10) wss[i] <- sum(kmeans(mydata,
plot(1:10, wss, type="b", xlab="Number of Clusters",
ylab="Within groups sum of squares")
#perform k-means analysis
t = kmeans(mydata, 5)