So I have a small question about forecasting using an AR(1) model.
I have
$Y_t=4-0.6Y_{t-1}+e_t$ with {$e_t$} as W.N. with $\sigma^2_e=2$
I am asked to forecast $\hat{Y_t}(1)$ for which I am using the following equation...
$$\hat{Y_t}(1) = \mu + \phi*(Y_t - \mu)$$ where $$\phi=-0.6$$ $$\mu = \frac{4}{1-\phi} = \frac{4}{1-(-0.6)}= 2.5$$
my real question is if I am not given the last value in $Y_t$ how do I forecast $\hat{Y_t}(1)$?