Offsets in Poisson regressions
Lets start by looking at why we use an offset in a Poisson regression. Often we want to due this to control for exposure. Let $\lambda$ be the baseline rate per unit of exposure and $t$ be the exposure time in the same units. The expected number of events will be $\lambda \times t$.
In a GLM model we are modelling the expected value using a link function $g$, that is
$$g(\lambda t_i) = \log(\lambda t_i) = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_{1,i} + \dots $$
where $t_i$ is the exposure duration for individual $i$ and $x_i$ is the covariate value for individual $i$. The ellipsis simply indicates additional regression terms we may want to add.
We can simplify simplifying the above expression
$$\log(\lambda) = \log(t_i) + \beta_0 +\beta_1x_{1,i} + \dots$$
The $\log(t_i)$ is simply an "offset" added to the Poisson regression as it is not a product of any of the model parameters which we will be estimating.
Binomial Regression
In a binomial regression, which typically use a logit link, that is:
$$g(p_i) = \textrm{logit}(p_i) = log\left(\frac{p_i}{1-p_i}\right) = \beta_0 +\beta_1x_{1,i}+\dots $$
You can see it will be difficult to derive a model for $p_i$ that will produce a constant offset.
For example, if $p_i$ is the probability that one any patient on day $i$ has an incident. It will be a function of the the individual patients available on that day. As jboman stated it is easier to derive the compliment of no incidence, rather than directly determine probability for at least one incident.
Let $p_{i,j}^*$ be the probability of a patient $j$ having an incident on day $i$. The probability of no patients having an incident on day $i$ will be $\prod_{j=1}^{N_i}(1-p^*_{i,j})$, where $N_i$ is the number of patients on day $i$. By the compliment, the probability of at least one patient having an incident will be, $$p_i = 1-\prod_{j=1}^{N_i}(1-p^*_{i,j}).$$
If we are willing to assume the probability of any patient having an incident on any day is the same we can simplify this to $$p_i = 1-(q^*)^{N_i},$$ where $q^*= 1-p^*$ and $p^*$ is the shared incidence probability.
If we substitute this new definition of $p_i$ back into our logit link function $g(p_i)$, the best we can do in terms of simplification and rearranging is $\log\left((q^*)^{-N} -1 \right)$. This still does not leave us with a constant term that can be factored out.
As a result we cannot use an offset in this case.
The best you can do is discretize the problem (as suggested by jboman) you can create bins for the number of patients and estimate a separate value for $p$ for each of these bins. Otherwise you will need to derive a more complicated model.