I am currently writing my Master's Thesis and I have a question in regards to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (ks.test in R), Anderson-Darling test (ad.test in R), and Wilcox/Mann-Whitney U test (wilcox.test in R).
With KS and AD I am testing whether two samples are drawn from the same distribution and with the MWU test I am testing the means of two samples.
However, I was wondering whether I can actually draw any conclusions/interpret the respective test statistics themselves (not p-values)? Could anyone provide me with an explanation and maybe with an economic intuition when I analyze return data?
Many thanks for your help, highly appreciated!
manual page forks.test {stats}
for a clear warning against using it to compare two samples. The MW U test can be construed as testing medians but not the means (unless you make an unusually restrictive assumption of symmetry of both distributions). Because comparing distributions is complex, people usually use graphical comparisons such as QQ plots rather than single-number statistics to interpret the differences. $\endgroup$