
When I run a regression, all variables are I(1), the optimal lag according to SIC is one, and means I should do VECM (1-1=0) the coefficient of the error correction term (ECT) is negative but not significant. My question is:

  1. can I do VAR instead of VECM,
  2. Should I do VAR of differencs: means in E-views: D(dependent Variable) D(Variable1) D(Variable2) D(Variable3)..and so on. Or VAR (-1) means VAR one lag.

1 Answer 1


it depends on : first: look at the rank in the johansen co-integration test, if it is full, not full or null. if the rank is full ---> run VAR. If the rank not full ---> vecm. If the rank in null ---> defferenciate and then run VAR. Michel Johansen. Sun University.


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