I have website page load data. Every row represents one visitor, and the attributes are pages they have visited. However, they often only visit 2-3 pages, so most values are null. The values are how long it took for the page to load in seconds. The target_flag is 0/1 indicating conversion. I want to know whether longer page load times lead to lower conversion and whether it's certain pages that may affect the conversion rate.
visitor_cookie Page A Page B Page C Page D Page E Target
10ed4da0e0 .4 NA .6 NA NA 0
18f7746 .3 .4 NA NA NA 1
1ffdc2f6 0.527 NA NA NA 4.05733 0
226b9dc52f NA .3 NA NA 3.077 0
241a6095a8 NA .7 .4 .8 NA 1
I want to do some sort of logistic/GLM model, but I'm not sure how to handle all the NAs. I can't just remove them because every record has nulls and I can't just impute 0s, because every column has too many nulls. I thought about changing the dataframe from wide to long, so that every record represents one page load time (instead of every record being one customer visit). However, it seems like I can't do that, because then I'm removing an important factor that certain records are related.
How can I account for these varying null values? Thank you.