Whenever regularization is used, it is often added onto the cost function such as in the following cost function. $$ J(\theta)=\frac 1 2(y-\theta X^T)(y-\theta X^T)^T+\alpha\|\theta\|_2^2 $$ This makes intuitive sense to me since minimize the cost function means minimizing the error (the left term) and minimizing the magnitudes of the coefficients (the right term) at the same time (or at least balancing the two minimizations).
My question is why is this regularization term $\alpha\|\theta\|_2^2$ added onto the original cost function and not multiplied or something else which keeps the spirit of the motivation behind the idea of regularization? Is it because if we simply add the term on it is sufficiently simple and enables us to solve this analytically or is there some deeper reason?