I was trying to model fish catch (CPUE) using a combination of some categorical and numrical predictors. I have the data for 10 years. The data has been collected only in the period from June to September. My friend has suggested including an AR(1) term to get rid of the autoregressive error but he was unable to provide the exact solution. The first 10 rows of the data are given below. I tried to figure out the problem using forcast
and nlme
packages without success. Therefore, please suggest some solution /methods to this problem.
Date CPUE Lunarphase Rainfall WindSpeed WindDir Months
01.08.13 25 WanCre 35.7 6.19 3.93 Aug
02.08.13 18 WanCre 2.86 9.56 3.93 Aug
03.08.13 25 WanCre 34 3.19 3.14 Aug
04.08.13 31.7 WanCre 46.1 1.16 1.57 Aug
05.08.13 18.3 WanCre 3.39 4.94 3.93 Aug
08.08.13 14.6 NM 25 3.5 3.14 Aug
09.08.13 12.2 NM 4.82 10.2 3.93 Aug
10.08.13 16.2 WaxCre 13.8 7.2 3.93 Aug
11.08.13 24.2 WaxCre 31.1 4.8 2.36 Aug
12.08.13 15.7 WaxCre 16 3.8 3.93 Aug