I ran an Ordinary Least Squares model and found the constant/intercept is more significant than all the other features. When the intercept is included, the $R^2$ is 45%. When I remove the intercept, the $R^2$ drops to 29%.
The intercept also has the lowest p-value compared to all the other features.
Moreover, I used StandardScaler to scale the features used.
Why would the intercept be so significant?
Example code:
model_2 = sm.OLS(df_reg_y.astype(float), sm.add_constant(X_scaled.astype(float))).fit()
This area circled in purple is the scatter plot of the target variable vs the most significant feature. The histogram below it is the distribution of the target variable.
Edit: I realized that I forgot to scale the target variable. The issue was fixed after I scaled the features and target variable together.