Below is a specific case but a general situation I find myself involved within my job. This question is intended at getting ideas on how to pick the best model:
rows: 10,166, features: 1692, Model used: Feed Forward Neural Networks
logs for a particular fold:
epoch: 0, train loss : 0.585782928946, train score: 0.497655085604, val score: 0.610834066686
training with 32 sized batches
best validation score till now: 0.0
epoch: 1, train loss : 0.350900779755, train score: 0.509627315655, val score: 0.625354453897
training with 32 sized batches
best validation score till now: 0.0
epoch: 2, train loss : 0.249989495512, train score: 0.528054031557, val score: 0.646059450474
training with 32 sized batches
best validation score till now: 0.0
epoch: 3, train loss : 0.210879948519, train score: 0.553915714449, val score: 0.65603304977
training with 32 sized batches
best validation score till now: 0.0
epoch: 4, train loss : 0.196106336583, train score: 0.578792288474, val score: 0.644788305466
training with 32 sized batches
best validation score till now: 0.0
epoch: 5, train loss : 0.189342178014, train score: 0.601882261054, val score: 0.640632639093
training with 32 sized batches
best validation score till now: 0.0
epoch: 6, train loss : 0.18660737301, train score: 0.616972833149, val score: 0.640021511685
training with 32 sized batches
new best validation score: 0.629363449692
saving model...
epoch: 7, train loss : 0.183136423458, train score: 0.630294120457, val score: 0.629363449692
training with 32 sized batches
best validation score till now: 0.629363449692
epoch: 8, train loss : 0.180001894893, train score: 0.641283331582, val score: 0.611542974479
training with 32 sized batches
best validation score till now: 0.629363449692
epoch: 9, train loss : 0.179555135817, train score: 0.646623580034, val score: 0.606971741469
training with 32 sized batches
best validation score till now: 0.629363449692
epoch: 10, train loss : 0.17941892064, train score: 0.650499675163, val score: 0.603036080962
and the trend of increasing training score and decreasing validation score continues. My question is which model (after which epoch) should be selected. Currently, I select by early stopping based on validation score not having increased for more than 15 epochs and under the condition that training score is greater than the validation score at that epoch. Which makes it model after epoch 7 here.