I am not sure i understand why this should be a very hard problem, at least in such a low-dimensional setting as you describe. I am not active in the fields of those who have authored the articles you cite, but I do not see why this could not be framed as a relatively simple statistical problem. An idea you could (perhaps) follow, is to relate it to the copula of $X$ and $Y$. The mutual information of $X$ and $Y$ is the Kullbach-Leibler divergence of their actual joint density $f(x, y),$ and their joint density under the assumption of independence $f^*(x, y) = f(x)f(y).$ If you write $$F(x, y) = C(F(x), G(y)),$$ (where $C$ is called a copula, and this is for a continous bivariate random vector a unique representation) such that $$f(x, y) = c(F(x), G(y))f(x)g(y),$$
where $c(u, v) = \frac{\partial C}{\partial u \partial v}(u, v)$ is the copula density of $X$ and $Y$,
then their mutual information can be written as
I(X, Y) &= \underset{\mathbb{R}^2}{\int\int}\log\left(\frac{f(x, y)}{f(x)f(y)}\right)f(x, y)dxdy\\
&=\underset{\mathbb{R}^2}{\int\int}\log\left(c(F(x), G(y)\right)c(F(x), G(y))f(x)f(y)dxdy\\
&=\underset{\mathbb{I}^2}{\int\int}\log\left(c(u, v)\right)c(u, v)dudv\\
&= \mathbb{E}_{C}\left(\log\left(c(U, V)\right)\right).
I would suggest to use the semiparametric approach where you first compute the so called pseudo observations $\hat F(x) = \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^nI(x_i < x),$ $\hat G(y) = \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^nI(y_i < y),$ and then try to find some parametric copula $C_\theta$ that fits well to $(U^*, V^*) = (\hat F(X), \hat G(Y)).$ Then, you can estimate the mutual information by computing the integral above by numerical integration, or Monte Carlo methods, replacing $c$ and $C$ by $c_{\hat\theta}$ and $C_{\hat\theta}.$ If you estimate $I(X, Y)$ by sampling from the estimated copulas, you could get a confidence interval by repeatedly doing this based on, say, $100$ samples from $C_\hat\theta,$ and then
using empirical quantiles of these estimates.
I am not sure about a normed mutual information. I do not know if it is possible to compute bounds on the mutual information, and I am not sure how to compute the mutual information between two perfectly dependent random variables, as this would correspond to computing the expectation of the log-copula density of either of $M(u, v) = \min(u, v)$ or $W(u, v) = \max(u + v -1 , 0),$ which do not exist as these are not absolutely continous probability measures.