What is the minimum-variance unbiased estimator to estimate quantiles when the errors are normal distributed?
When we wish to estimate the median, $\mu$, of a normal distributed variable then the sample mean (an efficient estimator of $\mu$) performs better than the sample median. The sample mean has a lower variance than the sample median (and is in fact the minimum-variance unbiased estimator of the median $\mu$).
But what about other quantiles?
My intuiton say that we can view this as estimating the value of $\mu+k\sigma$ for some given value of $k$, and then use the unbiased estimator $\hat \mu + k \hat \sigma$ based on the two (sufficient) statistics below. Is this also the minimum variance unbiased estimator?
$$\hat \mu = \bar{x} \quad \text{ and } \quad \hat \sigma = c_n s = c_n \sqrt{\frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-\bar{x})^2}$$
where $c_n$ is a correction factor to make $\hat \sigma$ unbiased.
Or is there possibly some other statistic, e.g. a combination of two sample quantiles or some version of minimizing the sum of absolute residuals, that could perform better (better as in, unbiased and lower variance)?