I have simple implementation of Q-learning algorithm and I'm trying to run it on
States space size = 36865
Actions space size = 25
So my resulting Q-table is basically 1 million items table.
- Is there a definition for problem sizes (small/medium/large) based on action/space size and corresponding algorithms which fits best for those
Using implementation below I'm wondering
s_S = 36865
s_A = 25
alpha = 0.1 # learning rate
gamma = 0.9 # discount factor
eps = 0.4 # exploration factor
Q = np.zeros(shape=(s_S, s_A))
for i in range(EPOCHS):
# reset env for each epoch
agent = Agent(env=env)
s = 0 # starting state
while s is not None: # rollout
a = get_next_action(agent, Q, s, eps)
r, s_ = agent.take_action(a, s)
max_q = maximize_q(agent, Q, s_) # maximize Q for the next state
Q[s, a] = alpha*(r + gamma*max_q - Q[s, a])
s = s_
policy = extract_policy(agent, Q)
# evaluate agent behaviour under the policy
- Can I run N threads in parallel and share
table between them? Will this approach converge or will I end up in a state with corruptedQ
table? Is there any other way to speed up process for such a huge table?