The model I have for the regression is in accordance with literature. I have about 300k observations and 25 dependent variables. When I run OLS regression, the output shows a couple of significant variables, which is satisfactory. However, the adjusted r-squared is very low: 0.000960!!! IS THIS ALARMING? Other estimators are:
S.E. of regression 0.027463
Sum squared resid 227.8050
Log likelihood 657295.4
F-statistic 11.61202
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Mean dependent var 0.000960
S.D. dependent var 0.027475
Akaike info criterion -4.351855
Schwarz criterion -4.350941
Hannan-Quinn criter. -4.351591
Durbin-Watson stat 1.271290
Depending on the information given above, what would be your evaluation of the model and the regression? Please advise me.
Much thanks!