I have values of relative humidity on a scale of 0 to 1 (e.g., 0.9 = 90% RH). I also have two cities (A or B). My model is as follows:
mod <- glm(rh ~ city, family = quasibinomial)
I plug my model into emmeans:
emmeans(mod, pairwise~city)
I get this from the emmeans output:
> emmeans(mod, pairwise~city)
city emmean SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL
A 1.727851 0.01619215 Inf 1.696115 1.759587
B 5.688672 0.26446690 Inf 5.170326 6.207018
Results are given on the logit (not the response) scale.
Confidence level used: 0.95
contrast estimate SE df z.ratio p.value
A - B -3.960821 0.2649621 Inf -14.949 <.0001
I then predict back on the data-scale to get the mean city RH difference, and present these as means and 95% CIs.
My questions are these:
1) How can I possibly have values above 1? Relative humidity can't be higher than 100%, so how do I have means of 5.7 and 1.7?
2) If these values are not RH, what are the units of measure? For example, I want to report the mean and 95% confidence intervals, how would I do so? It feels wrong to just say, "the difference in relative humidity between city A and B is 3.96"