Let $X_i$ be i.i.d. with density $p(x) = ce^{-x^4/12}$, $c$ is a normalizing constant.
Consider the location model $p(x-\theta)$. Aim is to compute the limiting distribution of the MLE.
If I have done it right MLE of $\theta$, say $\hat{\theta}$, is the solution of
$$m_3 - 3\theta m_2 + 3\theta^2 m_1 - \theta^3 = 0$$
where $m_j = \frac{1}{n}\sum x_i^j$.
I am not sure if it is possible to write the solution explicitly (I mean, in a reasonably simple form).
Is it possible to determine the limiting distribution of $\hat{\theta}$?
To clarify notation, above equation is $\partial_\theta \log \left[c^n\exp\left(\frac{-1}{12}\sum_i^n (x_i - \theta)^4\right)\right] = 0$.