I've been recently working on the following problem:
Let $F = \{F_1, F_2,F_3\}$ denote a set of feature sets. For example, $F_1$ is comprised of 100 actual features. Before training a logistic regression classifier, I re-weight the individual feature sets (re-scaled between 0 and 1) as follows:
$$F_x = w_x * F_x,$$
i.e., by multiplying each feature set with a weight between 0 and 1.
My question is the following:
Assuming I get (for the aforementioned example) weights: $\mathcal{W} = \{w_1 = 0.2, w_2 = 0.9,w_3 = 0.000004\}$ (the index corresponds to an individual feature set from $F$).
Can I interpret this in the lines of: "The second feature set (2) contributes the most to the learning" etc.?
With other words: How sensitive is logistic regression to such changes in feature values.