We have a dataset looking at predictors of reading comprehension ability, with a few missing data points here and there. After lots of going round in circles I think that multiple imputation is the best option for dealing with the missing data, and have been testing this out in a basic regression model. E.g., ...
mult.imp <- mice(raw_data)
mult.mod <- with(mult.imp, lm(comp ~ ageMonths + nonverbal + vocab))
...and everything seems to be working fine and as expected.
However, we need to conduct quantile regression models on these analyses, and I can't seem to make the pool() function play ball with the quantile regression output. For example... (just at a single quantile for simplicity)
mult.rq <- with(mult.imp, rq(comp ~ ageMonths + nonverbal + vocab, tau = 0.5))
This gives me the error:
Error in rq.fit.br(x, y, tau = tau, ci = TRUE, ...) : unused arguments (effects = "fixed", exponentiate = FALSE)
And sometimes also this:
Vectorizing 'logLik' elements may not preserve their attributes
(Note the quantile regression code on the single non-imputed dataset is fine)
Does anyone know if/how this can be worked around? Sorry, I'm pretty new to this but here is my attempt at a reproducible example:
# Introduce NAs to engel dataset from quantreg package
dataNA <- as.data.frame(lapply(engel, function(cc) cc[ sample(c(TRUE, NA), prob = c(0.90, 0.10), size = length(cc), replace = TRUE) ]))
# Create datasets using multiple imputations
imp <- mice(dataNA)
# Run quantile regression model
rq.mod <- with(imp, rq(foodexp ~ income, tau = 0.5))
Any help would be extremely gratefully received, as I think we might have to lose data if I can't make it work (alternative suggestions welcome...). Many thanks in advance!!