I know that Bayes classifier assigns the new data point $\pmb{x}$ to the class $\omega_j, \ j=1,\dots,M$, when
$p(\omega_j \mid \pmb{x}) = \max_{q=1,\dots,M}p(\omega_q \mid \pmb{x})$,
$p(\omega_j\mid \pmb{x}) = \frac{p(\pmb{x}\mid \omega_j)p(\omega_j)}{p(\pmb{x})} = \frac{p(\pmb{x}\mid \omega_j)p(\omega_j)}{\sum_j p(\pmb{x} \mid \omega_j)p(\omega_j)}$.
The difference from the Naive Bayes classifier is that Naive Bayes assumes statistical independent features,
$p(\pmb{x}|\omega_j) = \prod_{k=1}^{l}p_k(x_k|\omega_j), \ \ \ \ \ j=1,\dots,M$
where $l$ is the number of features.
Why there are only Naive Bayes classifier implementations and there are not the full Bayes ones?