I am trying to show that predictions based on repeated measures of markers (using joint modelling of repeated markers and time to event models: JMbayes package) are better than those based on only one single measure of these markers (using standard survival model). This is in fact the main motivation of using joint modelling approach. I did this for the pbc2 data and was surprised to find out that the AUC from the standard model was similar or even better than the one from the joint model! Any explanation? Please see the code below.
#percentage of training and prediction time horizon
train = 0.7
timeHorizon = 3
#Read the pbc2 data#
pbc2$event <- as.numeric(pbc2$status != "alive")
pbc2$id <- as.numeric(as.character(pbc2$id))
#Use complete case analysis: remove missing values for dependent and independent covariates#
pbc2 <- pbc2 %>% filter(!is.na(serBilir), !is.na(spiders), !is.na(age), !is.na(drug) )
pbc2 <- pbc2 %>% group_by(id) %>%
mutate(Flag=if_else((years - year) < timeHorizon & event==0 , NA_real_, abs(years - year))) %>%
filter(!is.na(Flag)) %>% ungroup()
#Generate training and validation data sets#
train_ids <- sample(unique(pbc2$id), size = ceiling(n_distinct(pbc2$id)*train), replace = FALSE)
pbc2_longtrain <- filter(pbc2, id %in% train_ids)
pbc2_ep1train <- pbc2_longtrain %>% filter(year==0)
pbc2_longval <- filter(pbc2, !(id %in% train_ids))
#A. Deriving the predictive tools ###
#A1. Standard survival: Based on baseline observations
fit_stand <- coxph(Surv(years, event) ~ drug + age + log(serBilir) + spiders, data = pbc2_ep1train, model = TRUE)
#A2. Joint survival Model: Based on repeated measures of serBilir and spiders
MixedModelFit <- mvglmer(list(log(serBilir) ~ year + (year | id),
spiders ~ year + (1 | id)),
data = pbc2_longtrain,
families = list(gaussian, binomial))
CoxFit <- coxph(Surv(years, event) ~ drug + age, data = pbc2_ep1train, model = TRUE)
fit_joint <- mvJointModelBayes(MixedModelFit, CoxFit, timeVar = "year")
#B. Validation of the predictive tools ##
#B.1. Standard survival method#
#Validation Data set to be used#
df_val_stand <- pbc2_longval %>% group_by(id) %>%
mutate(age=age+year, years_orig=years, years=timeHorizon, Y.s=years_orig - year) %>%
slice(n()) %>% ungroup()
#Prediction using current values#
df_val_stand$S_stand <- exp(-predict(fit_stand, newdata = df_val_stand, type="expected"))
AUC_stand <- timeROC(T=df_val_stand$Y.s, delta=df_val_stand$event, marker=I(1 - df_val_stand$S_stand), cause=1, times=timeHorizon)
#B2. Joint Model
#Validation Data set to be used#
df_val_joint <- pbc2_longval %>% group_by(id) %>%
mutate(s = last(year), t_plus_s = s + timeHorizon, Y.s = years-s) %>%
#Prediction using repeated markers#
d.sJointE <- df_val_joint %>% group_split(id) %>% map_dfr(function(sgr) {
predict <- JMbayes::survfitJM(object = fit_joint, newdata = sgr, last.time = unique(sgr$s) , survTimes = unique(sgr$t_plus_s), idVar = "id")
res <- data.frame(id=sgr$id[1], years=sgr$years[1], s=sgr$s[1], Y.s=sgr$Y.s[1], t_plus_s=sgr$t_plus_s[1], event=sgr$event[1], predict[['summaries']][[1]])
AUC_joint <- timeROC(T=d.sJointE$Y.s, delta=d.sJointE$event, marker=I(1 - d.sJointE$Mean), cause=1, times=timeHorizon)
#C. Results #####
# Time-dependent-Roc curve estimated using IPCW (n=93, without competing risks).
# Cases Survivors Censored AUC (%)
# t=0 0 93 0 NA
# t=3 45 48 0 90.28
# Method used for estimating IPCW:marginal
# Total computation time : 0.01 secs.
# Time-dependent-Roc curve estimated using IPCW (n=93, without competing risks).
# Cases Survivors Censored AUC (%)
# t=0 0 93 0 NA
# t=3 45 48 0 89.86
# Method used for estimating IPCW:marginal
# Total computation time : 0 secs.
function. $\endgroup$