Among others on here, Frank Harrell is adamant about using proper scoring rules to assess classifiers. This makes sense. If we have 500 $0$s with $P(1)\in[0.45, 0.49]$ and 500 $1$s with $P(1)\in[0.51, 0.55]$, we can get a perfect classifier by setting our threshold at $0.50$. However, is that really a better classifier than one that gives the $0$s all $P(1)\in[0.05, 0.07]$ and the $1$s all $P(1)\in[0.93,0.95]$, except for one that has $P(1)=0.04?$
Brier score says that the second classifier crushes the first, even though the second cannot achieve perfect accuracy.
N <- 500
spam_1 <- runif(N, 0.45, 0.49) # category 0
ham_1 <- runif(N, 0.51, 0.55) # category 1
brier_score_1 <- sum((spam_1)^2) + sum((ham_1-1)^2)
spam_2 <- runif(N, 0.05, 0.07) # category 0
ham_2 <- c(0.04, runif(N-1, 0.93, 0.95)) # category 1
brier_score_2 <- sum((spam_2)^2) + sum((ham_2-1)^2)
brier_score_1 # turns out to be 221.3765
brier_score_2 # turns out to be 4.550592
However, if we go with the second classifier, we end up calling a "ham" email "spam" and sending it to the spam folder. Depending on the email content, that could be quite bad news. With the first classifier, if we use a threshold of $0.50$, we always classify the spam as spam and the ham as ham. The second classifier has no threshold that can give the perfect classification accuracy that would be so wonderful for email filtering.
I concede that I don't know the inner workings of a spam filter, but I suspect there's a hard decision made to send an email to the spam folder or let it through to the inbox.$^{\dagger}$ Even if this is not how the particular example of email filtering works, there are situations where decisions have to be made.
As the user of a classifier who has to make a decision, what is the benefit of using a proper scoring rule as opposed to finding the optimal threshold and then assessing the performance when we classify according to that threshold? Sure, we may value sensitivity or specificity instead of just accuracy, but we don't get any of those from a proper scoring rule. I can imagine the following conversation with a manager.
Me: "So I propose that we use the second model, because of its much lower Brier score."
Boss: "So you want to go with the model that [goofs] up more often? SECURITY!"
I can see an argument that the model with the lower Brier score (good) but lower accuracy (bad) might be expected to perform better (in terms of classification accuracy) in the long run and should not be so harshly penalized because of a fluke point that the other model gets despite its generally worse performance, but that still feels like an unsatisfying answer to give a manager if we’re doing out-of-sample testing and seeing how these models perform on data to which they were not exposed during training.
$^{\dagger}$An alternative would be some kind of dice roll based on the probability determined by the classifier. Say we get $P(spam)=0.23$. Then draw an observation $X$ from $\text{Bernoulli}(0.23)$ and send it to the spam folder iff $X=1$. At some point, however, there is a decision made about where to send the email, no "23% send it to the spam folder, 77% let it through to the inbox".