My empirical research is based on a variable $a_{i,t} \sim f(\mathrm{RMSE})$, i.e. it is based on the root mean squared error (RMSE) of a certain regression model $Y_{i,t} = f(X_{i,t}, \beta) + \epsilon_{i,t}$. The regression is applied using $n=40$ observations, with a minimum of 24 observations available.
Is my variable $a_{i,t}$ comparable across entities, if the underlying number of observations varies between the range $24 \le n \le 40$? Is $a_{i,t}$ somehow dependent on the number of observations used in the regression?
My question is not related to those (e.g. [1] or [2]), where the RMSE is tried to be used to compare different regression models. The model is the same for all regressions, but the number of observations varies.