Suppose we have two different probability distributions $p, q$ defined on input $x \in [0,1]$. We know that for any value of $x$ in the domain, we have $\exp^{-a} \leq \frac{p(x)}{q(x)} \leq \exp^{a} $, here $a$ is a fixed number. In other words, $p$ and $q$ are quite similar. Is there any way that can relate between the expected value $E_p[x] $ and $E_q[x]$. For example, there might be exists two numbers $l, u \geq 0$ s.t: $$ l \leq \frac{E_p[x]}{E_q[x]} \leq u $$.
Also, $l, u$ depends on the value $a$ above.