I have a simple model with mixed effects. I asked subjects ten questions, five easy and five hard, and saw how much they relied on advice, based on who their advisor was (algorithm or peer) and how hard the question was (easy or hard). The model is predicting how much an individual responds to advice. The simplified model is below. AmountOfAdvice is a percentage, between 0 and 100. AdviceSource is a dummy, 0 or 1. Difficulty is a dummy, 0 (easy), 1 (hard). The R code is below.
model11 <- lmer(WOA ~ AlgoGroup*difficulty + (1| ResponseId), data=df)
I want to account for question-level variations as well. If I simply add a Question factor, like in the model below, where question is a factor with ten levels, then I believe I run into a problem because all questions are either easy or hard. E.g. Question 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are always easy. Thus, this means my matrix no longer has an inverse. What is the best solution?
model11 <- lmer(WOA ~ AlgoGroup*difficulty + Question + (1| ResponseId), data=df)