X1, X2 and X3 are three incremental poison processes for time intervals [0,t1], [t1, t2] and [t2,t3] respectively with same rate parameter $ \lambda$
What is the Joint distribution of X1, X2 and X3 given number of success in interval [0, t3] is n ?
I know that the sum of independent X1+X2+X3 ~ Poisson($ 3\lambda$)
So, $ P(X=n)= {e^{-3\lambda} \lambda^{n}}/{n!}$
and $ P(X_i)= {e^{\lambda} \lambda^{-X_i}}/{X_i!}$
so $ P(X_1,X_2,X_3)= {e^{3\lambda} \lambda^{-(X_1+X_2+X_3)}}/{(X_1!X_2!X_3!)}$
I don't have an idea about how to form the conditional PDF